‘The private sector’ as the new panacea in refugee protection?

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Titel: ‘The private sector’ as the new panacea in refugee protection?
Autor(en): Krause, Ulrike
Zusammenfassung: Humanitarian and political actors are currently paying significant attention to the roles of ‘the private sector’. In light of difficulties such as limited funding, insufficient aid and the restrictive conditions often faced by refugees in host countries, global policies as well as discussion forums ascribe much potential for improvement to the private sector. But is the private sector really a panacea for issues in refugee aid? By reflecting critically on the current discussion, I question the view of ‘the private sector’ as one entity and address the potential tensions between economic interests and humanitarian principles, the ethics of funding, and the possible consequences of the focus on ‘creating jobs’ for refugees.
Bibliografische Angaben: Krause, Ulrike (2020), ‘The private sector’ as the new panacea in refugee protection?’, FluchtforschungsBlog, 21.02.2020, https://fluchtforschung.net/blogbeitraege/the-private-sector-as-the-new-panacea-in-refugee-protection/.
URL: https://doi.org/10.48693/373
Schlagworte: Funding; Globale Trends; Privatsektor; UNHCR
Erscheinungsdatum: 21-Feb-2020
Lizenzbezeichnung: Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Germany
URL der Lizenz: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/de/
Publikationstyp: Teil einer dynamischen Ressource [PartOfADynamicWebRessource]
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